Additional credit training course (2) with a financial analysis approach
ارسال شده توسط اندیشه معین
693 بازدید
Additional credit training course (2) with a financial analysis approach
The training course “Supplementary credits (2) with a financial analysis approach” (special for credit bankers of Tehran branches) was held from November 21, 1402 to December 14, 1402 on Sundays and Tuesdays at the Andishehmoein Institute of Higher Education located in Tehran. became
The main topics discussed in this course are:
A) Analysis of financial statements
- Getting to know the types of financial statements and how to analyze them
- Ratios used in financial statement analysis
- Capital structure and ability to repay debts
- Analysis of financial obligations
- Analysis of profitability and cash flows
b) Using financial statements in validation and credit calculations
- Identifying the type of company activity through financial statements
- How to make decisions regarding the payment of facilities to companies through the indicators in the financial statements
- Using financial ratios and leverages in validation
- Getting to know the concept of proportional sharing
- Calculating the forgiveness of facility delay penalties