Holding a training course on domestic and Rial letters of credit
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Training course “Domestic and Riyal documentary credit in theory and workshop“
(special for branch credit users)
The internal and Riyal letter of credit training course, which is special for the credit users of Ayandeh Bank branches, was held from January 2, 1402 to January 13, 1402 at the Moin Azad Higher Education Institute.
The main topics discussed in this course are:
A) Theory section:
- Getting to know the basics of domestic letters of credit
- How to open letter of credit
- Reviewing the guidelines of domestic-riyal letter of credit
- Structure and nature of letter of credit
- The role of notifying, trading, paying and covering (domestic) banks in letters of credit
b) Workshop / Sepam system
- Explaining how the letter of credit system works and general concepts
- Explaining the points to be considered in filing the domestic-riyal letter of credit file
- How to record basic information and customer definition
- Explaining how to open credit
- Advance payment process to the broker
- Explaining how to register accounting documents and pay to the broker